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The 4 Steps To Take After A Workplace Accident


When you go to work, you do not anticipate getting into an accident that causes a serious injury. But this happens to many workers in all industries every year.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2019, private employers reported 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses. If you get injured at work, there are steps you need to take to protect your rights to workers’ compensation benefits.

Step 1: Seek medical treatment

After the workplace accident occurs, seek medical care to treat your injury. Your employer may have a designated healthcare provider who should treat your workplace injuries. 

Step 2: Inform your doctor

Let the healthcare provider know that you are there because of a work-related injury. This will allow the physician to bill any treatment provided as a workers’ compensation claim.

Step 3: Notify your employer

As soon as possible, let your manager know that you incurred an injury at work. If you cannot do this yourself, ask a family member or friend to relay this information to you.

Step 4: Provide written notice

You also need to formally notify your employer about the accident in writing. Provide a brief description of the accident and the date it happened in your written statement.

Once you have followed these four critical steps, continue to follow any instructions your physician provides for medical treatment and the recovery process. Doing so can help you return to work faster and prevent any issues receiving benefits for medical care and lost wages through the workers’ compensation system.
